
Why is Ellagic Acid Important?

Antioxidants Unique to Raspberries Provide Powerful Protection. Phytonutrients for Antioxidant, Antimicrobial and Anticarcinogenic for Protection

History of Cancer Prevention

Scientific studies on ellagic acid were avialble in the early seventies. Laboratory reserach started in the beginning of the 90's. However, popular remedies using phytochemical substances have been used for hundreds of yeras by different cultures around the globe.

Additionally, ongoing research suggests that raspberries may have cancer protective properties. Research with animals has suggested that raspberries have have the potential to inhibit cancer cell proliferation and tumor formation in various parts of the body, including the colon.

Why is Ellagic Acid Important? Red Raspberries contain about 45% greater antioxidant properties than straw-berries, three-fold of kiwi fruit, and ten-fold the anti-oxidant power of tomato. Research carried out in Holland and avalable in thel Bio-Factors publication.

The most important factor to raspberries anti-oxidant function is in the ellagitannin content, a group of substances nearly exclusive to red raspberries, which are said by experts to posses anti cancer functions.


Medical references 1

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Medical papers | Schema

Ellagic clinical studies

Cancer: What is it?

Cancer prevention

The great ellagic acid fraud!

Red raspberries health benefits

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